Monday, May 19, 2008

Andrea Ruggiero's Tempo chair

This chair designed by Andrea Ruggiero caught my eye. It truly is a "Transitional" chair for public places like airports, coffee houses and such.

Tempo addresses the need for informal, transitional seating in public spaces--where people transiting from one fixed or formal situation to another can sit and have a short break, take notes, type an email, or have an impromptu meeting.

"Offecct's brief presented a distinct opportunity and helped identify a need for informal short-term seating in public spaces," explains Andrea Ruggiero. "However, the tricky part was resolving the ergonomic issues associated with the different sitting positions, while ensuring that it could be used comfortably by a diverse user group." Prototype testing and user evaluation was conducted with a broad range of users, ranging from petite females to large males. (Link)

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